College or Career Ready
By completing one or more of the following upon graduation, TPHS students will demonstrate readiness for college or career:
a) Score 3 or higher on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for English Language Arts and Mathematics
b) Pass 2 Advanced Placement (AP) exams
c) Complete at least 1 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway
d) Fulfill A-G requirements, score 3 or higher on SBAC English Language Arts, pass 1 AP exam, or complete 1 CTE pathway
e) Successfully complete a dual enrollment (DE) course
Meet Graduation Requirements
Subject | Credits Needed |
English | 40 |
Mathematics | 30 |
Science | 20 |
Social Studies | 30 |
Physical Education | 20 |
Visual/Performing Arts | CTE | Foreign Language | 10 |
Elective | 70 |
Utilize Technology
Students will use technology effectively and efficiently to enhance learning opportunities and complete learning tasks.
Participate in School Culture
Students will participate in extra-curricular or community-centered activities.
Be Prompt, Be Prepared, Be Polite
Every student will participate in the school-wide PBIS culture by observing the expectations of "be prompt, be prepared, be polite" in all settings.
By increasing positive behavioral outcomes, the school will reduce offenses that lead to out-of-school suspensions by 5%